Tough times call for tough measures and when a pandemic is going around, infecting thousands of people and killing some, it’s better to practice precaution than go for a cure. Cases of Coronavirus in India too are rising but it’s the governments and the people’s effort that’s keeping the numbers contained. National Restaurant Association of India have advised restaurants to shut shop across countries, but the final decision depends on individual restaurants. The government will also put a ban on all international flights to India starting 22 March. Here’s a collated list of Coronavirus updates, as of 23 March, from various parts of the country and where to go to get yourself tested.
Cases: The capital has 29 positive cases. Out of them, 5 are cured while one succumbed to the virus.
Test centres: All India Institute Medical Sciences or
National Centre for Disease Control.
Government Measures: The government has banned gatherings of more than 50 people. Schools, colleges, malls, gyms, spas and theatres are closed till 31 March as per govt order. Section 144 has been imposed to curb large gatherings.
Helpline: 011-22307145
Cases: The worst-hit state, Maharashtra has 67 cases and has reported two death.
Test centres: Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur; Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Mumbai
Government Measures: The government has shut down schools, colleges, malls, gyms and multiplexes till 31 March in five cities including Mumbai, Pune, Navi Mumbai, Pune and Pimpri. The cost of the platform ticket has been increased to Rs 50 from Rs 10 in Central and Western Railway lines to discourage crowd.
Local trains in Mumbai have been shut for general passengers, only essential service workers can travel by local. Pune is on partial lockdown, only essential and emergency services are allowed to function.
Helpline: 020-26127394
Andhra Pradesh
Cases: AP has five confirmed case of Coronavirus.
Test centres: Kurnool GGH
Government Measures: The AP government is following a door-to-door survey, keeping a close eye on foreign returnee. Public transport in the state is on complete lockdown, whereas private transport is only permitted in case of emergencies.
Helpline: 0866-2410978
Cases: Haryana has seen 21 positive cases with only two of them being Indian citizens. There have been no reports of death as of now.
Test centres: Pt. B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Inst. of Med. Sciences, Rohtak and BPS Govt Medical College, Sonipat
Government Measures: The govt has imposed a ban on all type of public gathering including political, social and religious rallies. Seven districts in the state were put on lockdown including Gurgaon and Faridabad.
Helpline: 8558893911
Cases: The state which had the first confirmed case in the country and till now had 67 confirmed cases. Zero deaths have reported in the state while three patients have fully recovered.
Test centres: National Institute of Virology Field Unit, Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, and Govt. Medical College, Kozhikhode
Government Measures: The government has been lauded for its effort in containing the virus. They have not only shud down schools and have restricted public from venturing out but are also checking for suspected patients at the state borders. People entering the state from the railway or road are being scanned. The govt is also trying to make people’s life easier who are working from home by improving internet services.
Helpline: 0471-2552056
Cases: The state till now has had 26 positive cases and has reported one death while two have fully recovered.
Test centres: Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore; National Institute of Virology Field Unit Bangalore; Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysore; Hassan Inst. of Med. Sciences, Hassan; Shimoga Inst. of Med. Sciences, Shivamogga.
Government Measures: Malls, theatres, schools, colleges, night clubs have been closed, and public events such as marriage and conference are being denied permission. The state government has appealed to the p
Three Km area of Dharwad DC Deepa Cholan has been declared contaminated. The government has also opened quarantine centres for non-local residents living in hotel, lodges, hostels etc.
Helpline: 104
Also Read: Preventive Steps To Use in Public Transport To Avoid The Spreading Of Coronavirus
Cases: There are two cases registered in the state.
Test centres: Regional Medical Research Center, Bhubaneswar
Helpline: 9439994859
Cases: Cases in Punjab skyrocketed to 21, compared to two cases on Friday morning.
Test centres: Government Medical College, Patiala, and Government Medical College, Amritsar.
Government Measures: Partial lockdown has been imposed in the state.
Helpline: 104
Cases: Total of 27 cases of Coronavirus have been reported in the state. And three of them are cured.
Test centres: Sawai Man Singh, Jaipur; Dr. S.N Medical College, Jodhpur; Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar and SP Med. College, Bikaner.
Government Measures: The CM has ordered officials to prepare 1 lakh isolation beds. The state has imposed ban on assemble of more than 5 people and has put the state on lockdown till March 31.
Helpline: 0141-2225624
Tamil Nadu
Cases: There are nine positive cases in Tamil Nadu.
Test centres: King's Institute of Preventive Medicine & Research, Chennai and Government Medical College, Theni
Helpline: 044-29510500
Cases: There are 26 positive cases in Telangana out of them one is cured. No death reports yet.
Test centres: Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad
Government Measurements: With the increase in positive cases, Telangana also went on lockdown till 31 March. Non-essential surgeries and medical services have been postponed. Public transport has been completely shut and state borders are also closed.
Helpline: 104
Uttar Pradesh
Cases: UP has reported 28 cases with nine cured patients.
Test centres: King's George Medical University, Lucknow; Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras; Hindu University, Varanasi and Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh.
Government Measures: All educational institutions, cinemas, multiplexes and tourists places will be closed till 2 April. Seven districts in the state are on complete lockdown, including Lucknow, Varanasi and Noida.
Helpline: 18001805145
Cases: Three case has been reported in the state.
Test centres: Government Medical College, Haldwani
Helpline: 104
West Bengal
Cases: West Bengal so has seven positive cases.
Test centres: National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata and IPGMER, Kolkata
Government Measures: Interstate bus services have been suspended until 31 March. A complete lockdown has been ordered in eight districts till 27 March.
Helpline: 3323412600
The current tally Nationally stands at:
Cases: 390 (including 41 foreign nationals)
Cured: 24
Death: 7